Path of the


Shepherd-gnomes’ path  

on Krvavec

Are you ready for a true gnome adventure? Once upon a time, the shepherd gnomes put a spell on the mountain. Ever since everything’s been amiss on Krvavec! The gnomes play pranks on the shepherds who need your help! Hurry up, fill up your backpack and help us save our mountain!

What are the gnomeventures? 

Along the path, children collect gnomic symbols, create unusual mountain sounds, they train in shepherd games and discover the secrets of the Krvavec mountain pastures. Will they succeed in finding the magic words and save the mountain from the gnomes’ spell?
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4 steps and the gnomeventure can begin!

1 Preliminary preparations for the adventure

To start the path, you first need to buy the Gnome’s scratch book. You can purchase it on the click button below, in the Sonček cabin or by the RTC Krvavec counter. But even before the path was created, a short story about the shepherds and gnomes of Krvavec was written. We suggest you read it to help you understand the adventure better before visiting. 

2 Access and equipment

Gnomes live high up on the mountain, therefore you need to be well prepared. You can drive to Jezerce or take the cablecar to the top. And don’t forget to bring adequate footwear and some extra warm clothes. You know, gnomes love to pull pranks!

3 Let the adventure begin

The path begins at the Sonček cabin. Get your scratch book ready, eyes wide open and let the gnome hunt begin! You have no idea how many gnome surprises wait for you along the path. 


Well done! You solved all the riddles and uncovered all the secrets. At last, the sun is shining again on the mountain, the cattle are calm, and the shepherds are thrilled. And you are hungry, aren’t you? No problem, we’ll take care of your tummy. A shepherd’s snack and the reward are waiting for you at the Sonček cabin. 

Zaključena družba

Korak 1

Enkraten oddih v nepozabnih naravnih lepotah Slovenije. Krvavec ni le zimska idila za smučanje, temveč vseletna izkušnja polna skritih presenečenj naravnih danosti.

Zaključena družba

Korak 2

Enkraten oddih v nepozabnih naravnih lepotah Slovenije. Krvavec ni le zimska idila za smučanje, temveč vseletna izkušnja polna skritih presenečenj naravnih danosti.

Gnome carrousel

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How to reach us?

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Contact information

Ambrož pod Krvavcem 71
4207 Cerklje na Gorenjskem

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